Friday, May 24, 2013

Native American Flute

My rack with my first two flutes,
plus the old bamboo I acquired in 2003

Recently I purchased a Native American Flute...

I found myself inspired to buy one in February. Back in 2003 I rode my motorcycle to an event in central Mississippi, there was a man there playing the NAF, selling his CDs and he had flutes for sale.
I couldn't afford a flute so I bought a little bamboo flute from him for $10. It was pretty much a toy, but it resided in my saddle bags and I'd ride out and play it at some cycle destination. A lake or walking trail.
I vowed to one day own a 'real' NAF!

This February, while looking over my bucket list, and remembering that little bamboo flute (which I still own) I decided to pull the trigger and go ahead and get one.  I was looking for a new hobby.
My first flute was a High Spirits (Odell Borg ) in G. I fell in love with the NAF and that flute. It is still one of my all time favorites.
My Craig Noss PVC flute.

Later this year at a Pow Wow I purchased a Ron Reimer flute, then a Craig Noss PVC and later two Kenny King flutes. My latest is a special bamboo NAF again from Craig Noss, and a Windpony in A.
A while back I ordered a special flute from Charles Littleleaf with a Hummingbird theme.

In this short time I've also bought two racks. I needed them to keep up with all these flutes. LOL
For me it was a turning point in my life, getting the NAF. I've always wanted to play an instrument but nothing satisfied. I tried learning the dulcimer but old battle hymns just didn't fit my fancy. I didn't have the patience or the fingers for guitar either.
Back in high school we played a 'Flutaphone', a little plastic whistle type flute, but that was 35 years ago. LOL

Finding the NAF, learning to play it and actually being good at it was a life changing event. It brought music into my life, not just listening to someone else playing it.I even have a flute circle here in Hattiesburg now.
My Ron Reimer Flute

Now I have a way to express the music inside me and perhaps I've become a bit obsessive, but I'm having fun. It's just that this is so much fun and I haven't let myself get 'into' something in so long. 
My wife thinks I have too many flutes. I don't think she gets it. LOL  One can not have too many flutes. ;)
I doubt these will be my last flutes, in fact I see many more in my future. :D

Here is a sample of my music. A song I wrote using a music back track.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.
    Love listening to you play and knowing that you enjoy it a LOT!
