Saturday, February 20, 2016

Daytona Bike Week Trip

Honda VTX1800c With Bags
It's still February and for all intents and purposes, Spring has sprung! Today was 78 degrees and sunny, in fact the entire weekend will be warm and except for some rain next week it looks like the temperature will remain in the upper sixties and seventies from here out. We may have a cold snap, or cool nights but it doesn't seem like it's going to be frigid for long anytime soon.

This, of course is a good thing because it means motorcycle riding season has arrived! Here in the south we ride year around but it requires an effort to bundle up in winter.
We also look forward to Spring, Summer, and Fall because it means T-shirts and jeans are acceptable riding gear. Perhaps not the safest, but acceptable.

My brother on his Harley Davidson Bike
I am so glad to see this weather appear. An early Spring is just what I was looking forward to for the ride to Daytona Bike Week in March. Back a few months ago my brother and some friends started planning this ride. It was a good way to mull away the hours during winter when it was just too much effort to drag the bike out in frozen weather. Planning the trip or just thinking of the long ride and what to take, how to pack, where to stop and hotel information made for relaxing winter nights entertainment.

If you can't ride you can think about rides!

The time to go is drawing near and all the plans are made. We will leave on a Wednesday morning and come back Sunday. There will be six of us riding together, all on big bikes packed down with essentials we will need on the trip. We have our stops planned and hotel reservations. All we need to do now is meet up for a final "go-over" and then pack & go.

Daytona Bike Week is March 4th - 13th.

Daytona Bike Week
We can't stay for the whole thing but our two days should be enough fun to last a long time and an ample supply of memories. Plus it's a good chance to find stuff you can't find anywhere and either pack it for the trip home or FedEx it to the house.

I'm sure I will take plenty of pictures along the way during my adventure and some video as well. I will be taking my pocket camcorder and my Canon Elf still camera will also take video. I'll probably have the GoPro on my helmet for some of the trip for riding footage.
Perhaps when we get back I can edit and upload some of the video here for you to see.

Sounds like a plan.

Trying out the selfie stick! 
Speaking of planning, I just got my motorcycle out of the shop. It needed new brake pads for the trip and a tune up. "Tigger the Beast" is ready for the trip, now less than three weeks away.
I put the saddle bags back on and the trunk. I also have a small tank bag for small stuff like the cameras, and a larger duffel type bag for clothes and essentials.

I guess I'm as ready as I ever will be.

So, as they say, "Stay Tuned!" I'll have updates here. I will not be able to blog during the trip because all I'll have with me is my Kindle Fire and it's not easy nor fast to type on it.
Roll On And Ride Free!

So, I'll blog when we get back about the trip with pictures and video. If you want to follow me as we ride during the trip you can "Follow" on my Twitter account. Twitter Link.

I will also be able to post to Facebook when in the hotels in the evening if you want to follow there. I'll make most trip photos and posts public so you can see them.

Till then, keep the rubber side down and ride like you mean it. :D

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