Friday, September 2, 2011

Lee, you ain't no Katrina

It's Friday evening and tropical storm Lee is moving toward Mississippi. Lee is no Katrina but he will bring much needed rain to our state. We will probably get tons of rain and some wind but Lee will not be worse than our last encounter with a hurricane.

Our little garden didn't do well this year, due mainly to the heat. It's been a harsh summer with temps rising well over the hundreds and settling down only into the upper nineties.

So, I actually welcome Lee to the area. Living here in South Mississippi we have learned that a good tropical storm can bring the temperature down and keep it down afterwards. This evening we are getting word from local agencies that we can expect winds and flooding.

Even though Lee is not expected to be a major storm we here in the south still pay attention when the gulf begins to churn. Big wind, little wind, either one can still mess up a perfectly well planned weekend. Whether its rain or a strong breeze tropical storms and hurricanes have a habit of getting into everything.

It is possible we may have power failure if the wind picks up but luckily I'm not in a flood prone area. Other parts of town are not so lucky. We have some low lying areas that will effect traffic and ditches that love to overflow. I'm hoping because the ground is so dry it will soak it all up like a sponge. As long as I have power and the internet, I'm okay.

Lee's course has been erratic. He has wandered around the gulf like a drunken sailor. I've begun to call him Stagger Lee.
Blustery and formidable but really not a huge threat. His bark is worse than the bite. However like any drunk you need to keep an eye out for that sucker punch. There is always the chance the weekend might get interesting.

So my plan is to stay in and enjoy the view. Perhaps a trip to town and stock up on a few supplies may be in order. Or maybe I'll find a good movie on Netflix. Or even just blog all weekend. ;D

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