Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dual Monitor Sweetness

For those of you who have had a super pimped out PC with a graphics card on crack for some time this may not seem all that special to you. But for me the ability to have dual monitors and spread my screen out across them is, well, priceless.

I'm speaking of the new acquisition which came my way as a pass down monitor from a friend who upgraded. When I purchased "Father", my editing PC I knew it would drive 2 monitors.

{Actually it will drive 4 but that would just be damned overkill.}

...and I wanted to get a second monitor at some point in the future.
That scenario changed when my friend offered his hand me down.

I actually got the monitor last week when my wife sent me out of the house and prepared a surprise Birthday party while I was gone. I brought it home and was amused to see a party in my house, so the monitor had to take a back seat. It sat there most of the week while I acquired an HDMI cable for it. Finally yesterday I had the time to hook it up.

Nothing I tried would work. The monitor just sat there with it's black face and it's blue light blinking. After messing with it and trying different things I finally gave up. For some reason the computer didn't seem to know it had two completely cool monitors hooked up to it.

My friend, who is a computer tech and uber-geek came by today and verified I was not crazy, insane, or just punch stupid. It wouldn't work for him either. But he played around with the controls inside "Father" for a bit and to our amazement the monitor came to life. Then after fiddling with the controls for about an hour we finally got the images aligned up and it works like a charm now. Seems Father has some persnickety ways of setting up monitor feeds.

In fact we are not sure what combination of settings actually worked finally. But work it did and now I have a dual monitor for video editing.

I'm going to be insufferably pleased with myself for at least a week. ;)

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