We were not allowed to videotape inside the center however in several places we could take photos so out came our cell phones with cameras and we took a ton of pictures as the tour progressed. I had my Flip Ultra HD with me and caught shots outside as well as around the courtyard.
Our tour guide was fantastic and very knowledgeable of how CNN operates. She took us through and answered questions, though many of mine were technical and I really wanted to go onto the actual sets. Still, the tour was informative and I came away with ideas for my own broadcasts.

CNN is probably the largest news organisation in the world with its signal seen in 212 countries and translated into many languages. About 60% of all CNN broadcasts originate from Atlanta and within the center. We saw one news anchor and spent some time in the CNN store. I grabbed a hat and coffee mug as souvenirs and picked up a couple of items for a friend. There were several things to buy in the store and far too much to choose from.
During the tour we saw the newsroom, editing area, a couple of news sets and the demonstration set for the tour guide to explain broadcasting.

We rode the longest escalator in the world into a mock up of the planet earth to start the tour and ended up on the lower level of the building. The tour lasted about an hour. There was a short movie at the beginning of the tour and one at the end. You really get an idea how huge the corporation is and all that is involved in bringing viewers the latest news.
Below is a little 5 minute video I put together from photos and video we shot in the center. It will take you on a mini tour however if you get to Atlanta you should take the actual tour yourself, it's well worth the price and you will learn far more about CNN.
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