Honestly I can't remember all the names of PC's I've owned. The naming convention usually took on the concept of each PC being bigger and more powerful than the last, therefore each new name had to seem larger than the previous name. Some names that come to mind are Colossus, Guardian, Goliathon, etc.
Finally I ran out of awesome sounding names.
Each name usually had two meanings. Such as Colossus and Guardian were computer names used in a movie, and it sounded big. My last editing computer and my main PC was named Mother. As with all the previous computers, the name had two meanings. "Mother" was the name of the computer on ALIENS, however Mother (I often spelled it Muther) had a running joke due to her name as well. "When she is running fine she Mothers me, takes care of me. When she is not running fine she is a Muther!"
Recently I bought a new computer and of course it's bigger than Mother. Since I had gotten away from the gigantic sounding names and Mother had been such a work horse, naturally I named the new PC, "Father". Much to the dismay of my wife.
Father was the name of a computer in another ALIENS movie and it just seemed natural to have Mother & Father on my desktop. Seeing as how they will be working together and all. Both are networked together and I use both when editing video and working on projects.

Yesterday I put Father to the test.
Using MAGIX Video Pro X 3, I put the wedding ceremony from three HD cameras on the timeline and used the Multi-Cam function to edit the footage in real time. Father completed the task without a hitch. I think at that moment I was the proud parent. ;)
I have several projects in progress and Father has been a Godsend making me more productive. Plus I notice I curse less now, which is a good thing.
Now I'm wondering if the laptop should be named Sibling? Hmmmm....
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