This little flat lens fit into a cardboard box you set in front of the TV and used the brightness of the TV to cast the image a few feet away. It seems silly now but I actually enjoyed that wonky little set up.

In the early 90's I watched plenty of shows on it and put up with the pixels making up the screen.
Then in early two thousands I sold my video mixer and got a real video projector. It was an older model and I think I paid $300 for it on eBay. I used a pull down window shade for my screen and it was a pretty good set up, though it was SD and not that bright. However, in a very dark room it was a joy to watch. In time I gave up on it and sold it.
Now I have a 42 inch LED TV and it is the centerpiece of my living room, with surround sound. It is fantastic, but sometimes I yearn for a huge screen. Which brings me to this past year and the fact that a local group has been presenting movies on an outdoor screen. (See my previous posts) Well, I got the itch again and when asked what I wanted for Christmas, I suggested a 120 inch outdoor screen I had seen on Amazon.

I have the screen now but it's too cold at night to set it up and project a movie. We have access to a very good projector and we will probably begin offering use of the screen and my set-up for rent to others who want to have outdoor movie parties. But for now I'm planning a few parties of my own in my backyard.
So I'm plotting and planning and hope to have an evening when it warms up a bit with friends and fun outside as a movie plays on my big screen. Back in the 80's when I was dreaming of a home theater system and woefully unable to afford one, I doubt I could have imagined a 120 inch screen and the ability to do this!
So, watch this blog for future entries as we have a few movie parties and I'll let you know how they go. ;)

thank you noticeably a lot for writing such a fascinating article on this concern. This has surely made me think and that i pressure to feasible more. home theater installation