Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Get Interviewed!

Want to get the word out about your Native American Flute music? Use your words, in an interview!
There is nothing wrong with soliciting an interview. Most radio & podcast hosts are looking for content and people to put on their show. They appreciate when someone contacts 'them'. Remember, they need to book talent and you are most definitely talent. Don't sit around waiting for someone to contact you, or ask you to be on a show. You are helping them out by contacting them directly.

Who do you call? If it's a broadcast radio station or network, contact the specific shows program director. If it's a small show this may be the host him/herself. If not, a producer or contact person will be listed on the show/network website. If no one is listed, call the station and ask who you need to talk to for booking talent on a specific show.
If it's a podcast you most likely will deal with the host directly, unless it's a hugely followed show, which may have a producer. In any case, the show web site will have instructions or a contact person for show bookings.

Call, email or write a letter. Follow what they tell you. Don't be afraid to sell yourself. Let them know who you are, what you do, and information about your music. They may request a CD of your music to play on their show, give them one. Ship them whatever you have and make sure it's the best quality you have.
Next, have a bio written up. Something that gives them an idea who you are, and info they can steal from to ask you questions when recording or live on their show. Hosts love liner notes from your CD, make sure they have an actual packaged CD and not something you burned to CD. And of course let them play your music!
Many podcasts are getting sophisticated nowadays and may want you to appear via Skype on their show. You should be prepared to 'appear' this way if you have Skype and a computer/camera. However, many shows will only need you to call them via telephone. Or come to their studio.
Whether you phone it in, Skype it, or go to a studio, interviews are a great way to connect to your audience and let them see or hear you, or both. Do as many as you can, as often as you can. If it's a phone interview, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Turn off any devices that may interrupt and relax at least 10 minutes before the show so when you go 'on the air' you are completely relaxed and ready to talk with the host.
Talk with the host, don't just answer questions. Be personable. Be yourself. 

Remember, this is promotion for them and YOU. If you go to a radio studio, take pictures and ask if a recording of the show is available. Ask if you can link to it on your web site or have a recording made off air and upload it for your audience to listen to. Most stations will have no problem letting you make the show available. There is nothing wrong with asking.
If possible, record it yourself. Some stations may only have a link that is good for a while but will go away once they update their web site. If you have it recorded yourself, you can control the place you put it to stream onto your web site.
Remember those pictures you took, use them on your web site! Show off that you were interviewed! Avoid 'selfies' if you can. Have someone take pictures. A selfie is ok, it's personable especially if it's you and the host. But don't overdo it. A couple of good photos is all you need. Facebook & Twitter a single photo all over the web. Post the rest on your site.
Those are the basics, just relax and be yourself, you will probably be asked to come back to do another show. Always say YES! 

(Jay Michael is a veteran radio broadcaster with 19 years in the industry. )

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