Today I took the Super Cub up to get some flight footage and on the last flight while trying to bring her in for a landing in a cross wind the cub strayed off and hit a fence. I've landed hard and even put her nose in the grass but this was my first real crash. The fence wire cut a swath through her main wing.
Actually in a strange way I'm kinda glad. Every pilot eventually crashes and I was dreading when it would finally happen to me. I've flown the cub at least 15 times and so far I haven't broken anything. I knew one day my number would come up, and today it did.
It was pilot error.
I was on approach to land and cut the throttle, then a gust of cross winds took the plane off course. I should have just let the cub land in the grass but I thought I could pull her out of it. As it went off course she darted toward the west right into the sun and as I turned to try and recover her I found myself looking right into that big yellow orb. Unable to see her and trying to gain control I flew the plane into a fence.

After that I quit. Though there is damage to the wing the plane would still fly, but I decided to get another wing and ground the cub. After all I had all the footage I needed. Driving home I stopped by the hobby store and picked up another wing. While there I went ahead and got the parachute drop device for the cub too.
All in all it was a good day of flying, except for the crash. When I was on the way home I found myself chuckling and felt relief that it wasn't worse. And now I no longer dread crashing. Yes I'm cautious but it will not be something lingering as to when & where anymore. I've crashed, pick up and move on. Get back up and try not to do that again.

In the meantime as I repair the plane you can enjoy the latest video shot at the airfield. I rigged up my Flip Ultra HD Camera on a cap with an attachment so I could fly and film at the same time. It's not always level but I did manage to get a few good shots. Below is the video I cut to Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly."
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