Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Plane; Sensei Trainer RxR

Sensei RC Model Airplane
It's been a while since I posted a blog, but I've been flying every chance I get. I feel I've mastered the Super Cub and now I've ordered a new plane...

After studying several airplanes I decided to buy the Sensei from Hobby Zone. I looked closely at the Apprentice and other planes but the Sensei appears to have very sturdy landing gear and the drop door for some additional fun. It's also a 4 channel plane, the cub is three channels.

In the hobby of RC flying it's important to choose a path and select planes that fit your skill level. I've seen many guys go out and buy planes they simply didn't have the skill to fly and naturally they crashed them. I'm taking a slow approach to the hobby and only moving up when I feel I can advance to a new plane. The Sensei will introduce me to 4 channel flying and from there, I can move up to more advanced planes. I still consider myself a newbie.

DX7s Transmitter
In the meantime while flying the Super Cub I've purchased a DX7s transmitter. This transmitter will allow me to fly multiple planes and is far better than the one that came with the Cub. With it I can program both planes and fly when I want. I also purchased a battery charger that will handle different types of batteries. This hobby can get expensive, but it is worth every penny to have the right equipment.

The Sensei is not the only plane on the way. I have a friend at the airfield building a Raptor scratch-built plane for me. This is like a jet but is prop driven. It is a simple design but easy to fly and learn on, and because it is made from basic foam and parts it's not expensive to repair. The Raptor will have elevon controls and flies a bit different from other planes. Since it is scratch built, I can repair it with common foam and glue.

I'm excited to get these new planes! The Sensei should be here Tuesday and I can't wait to put it in the air. It may be a few weeks before I get the raptor but by then I should be ready for it. I'll keep you updated here on my progress. ;)

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